
Letter: ‘Tottery old broad’ helped by youngster

Many thanks to the kind young lady who rescued my poor old cane from the middle of a busy Fort Amanda Road.Unthinkingly, I’d set...

Letter: ‘Take liberty or take death’

Much noise has been made recently regarding refugees from war-torn Syria and whether or not to let them into the United States.Debates about Syrian...

Letter: Keeping Ohioans on their feet

More than 660 licensed and resident podiatric physicians and surgeons belong to the Ohio Foot and Ankle Medical Association. Our members literally keep Ohioans...

Letter: Giving thanks for life

I want to send our deepest gratitude to the Lima police officers who not only saved our neighbor, Tonya Brown, but possibly the life...

Letter: Life is a list of achievements

As I was wheeling myself around this morning at the nursing home rehabilitation center that am currently at, Lost Creek, I started to thing...

Letter: What a nice surprise

I would like to thank the person who anonymously paid for my dinner along with my brother and his wife’s at Cabo’s in Delphos...

Letter: Kasich, Ohio’s ‘war on women’

The Ohio Legislature’s “War on Women” continues with the help and planning of Gov. Kasich”s office. Our governor presents himself as a moderate Republican,...

Letter: Ad was in poor taste

Captain D’s should be ashamed of the ad they have on T V about the dog and the hush puppy. I saw it only...

Letter: Shameful to turn back on refugees

Our Republican Governors want to ban any Syrian refugees from being welcome in their states. This action reminds me of Jesus, who told the...

Letter: Sheriff Chandler should be able to count

Sheriff Chandler says he has proven leadership skills managing an agency of 60 employees. A true leader would know how many employees they have....