Letter: Shameful to turn back on refugees

Our Republican Governors want to ban any Syrian refugees from being welcome in their states. This action reminds me of Jesus, who told the story of the man who was beaten and robbed and left on the road to die. The local religious priest would walk by on the other side of the road in order to be politically and religiously pure. It was the hated Samaritan who stopped to help.

Our Republican Governors are rejecting any Syrian refugees out of fear of terrorist slipping in among the mostly women and children that make up the refugees. Their action reminds me of the last two phrases of our national anthem that openly states we are “the land of the free, and the home of the brave.” It seems to me that the refugees who are fleeing certain death in Syria are the brave humans in this drama. I find it hard to see American leaders rejecting these refugees out of fear as being brave.

I thank God that there are still many American leaders who see rescuing desperate refugees made up of mostly women and children as being the brave and Christian thing to do.

— Bruce Hodges, Lima