Letter: A morning we won’t forget

At this new year as we pause to reflect on the past, we are reminded of our many blessings. One of those blessings came as we were in the drive-thru at McDonalds on North West Street on Dec. 8. As we pulled up to “pay window” we were told our bill had been paid by the driver ahead of us.

What a surprise!

As we do not know who you are, our hope is that you are reading this, recall the morning and will accept our most heartfelt appreciation and thanks. Your thoughtfulness will be paid forward in this new year. With all the unrest and bad news publicized in the world today, let’s remember all the good and faithful people we never hear about. They just “go about doing good.”

We pray the Lord will richly bless you with good health and happiness in this year of 2018.

Joe and Marilyn Alexander, Wapakoneta