
Letter: Guidelines for election letters

The deadline is noon Thursday, April 23, for having election related letters printed in the Your View feature of The Lima News for the...

Letter: Lima never said ’can’t’ on underpass

The underpass at Elm Street and Bellefontaine Avenue is functional, much needed, long awaited, very good looking, etc. This letter is addressed to the...

Letter: Quit griping about Trump during coronavirus crisis

Dear Kelly Anspaugh,Quit griping. Quit blaming President Trump. He’s confronting this situation with all the resources available to him! Stop making everything political during...

Letter: Talk about socialism

A writer claims that Nancy Pelosi held up the stimulus bill to get a socialist agenda.She held it up as the Republicans wanted to...

Letter: Be careful of misinformation

After reading the letter “Control the virus first” it has become quite clear to me where our concerns should be focused. The letter notes...

Letter: Racism prevails during pandemic

I am an inmate of the Allen County Jail. I want to informing the public of the dreadful and deadly reality we face as...

Letter: It’s time to come together.

As I read the Letters in the Your View column, I am amazed and saddened that some people are so concerned with their dislike,...

Letter: Judges did right thing

In response to The Lima News article, “Jail population trimmed by almost half in face of virus,” Crime Victim Services is grateful to our...

Letter: It doesn’t figure

The news on March 31 made us aware that our world lost a great neurosurgeon, Dr. James T Goodrich, to COVID-19. Then I started...

Letter: The hee-haw presidency

“I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you...