
Letter: Preachers’ tax-exempt status in question

I have some questions to ask a few preachers and churches.Why is it that some churches and the preachers can talk about political issues...

Letter: Republicans to blame for senior’s shortages

Senior citizens and related entities are asking for a $184,000 tax increase to pay for services to our seniors.Why do they have to do...

Letter: Healthcare ruling helped Ohioans

I am writing in response to Thomas Lucente’s July 5 column, “Decision worse than Dred Scott.”While opponents have continually tried to derail the Affordable...

Letter: Stay on God’s side, not court’s

With much sorrow, I read that the Supreme Court has legalized gay marriage.Being a born-again Christian, and I am not perfect by a long...

Letter: Show consideration with your fireworks

Fireworks on the 4th of July fireworks were canceled and postponed to a later date. I have no problem with that issue. I have...

Letter: Unborn children deserve protections

Frequently, when I am watching television, there are ads sponsored by various animal rights groups or a local humane shelter. These ads, featuring dogs...

Letter: Accolades earned, deserved at Lima Memorial

On June 9th, an unexpected emergency sent me to Lima Memorial Health System’s ICU floor with seven days of caring for me. There were...

Letter: Thankful for care received in hospice

The family of Dr. Thomas E. Bilon would like to thank St. Rita’s Hospice and Dr. Eric Fisher for making it possible for him...

Letter: America needs God’s healing

Whoa, America! We need to slow down and return to the good stuff in II Chronicles:“Then if my people will humble themselves and pray,...

Letter: WBGU helps build mind, body and soul

How do you stay alive? First thing to do is eat food and drink water (obviously). Your quality of life and quality of body...