Letter: WBGU helps build mind, body and soul

How do you stay alive? First thing to do is eat food and drink water (obviously). Your quality of life and quality of body would depend on the kind of food you eat.

But there is more! People talk about “mind, body, soul,” and all three are important. The question is how to keep all three healthy and working well.

There are many things that come into play when you try to improve your mind. Education, exercise your mind, expand your mind, hobbies, etc.

Soul is tricky! A church, synagogue, temple, mosque, teepee and more would be a good start. A wise relative or friend would help too.

But where could you go to improve all three, “mind, body and soul”?

Why PBS, of course. There you will find special programs that will educate you about each, the “mind, body, soul.” PBS can certainly expand your mind about science, animals, history, cooking, wonderful yoga program, etc. And a wonderful story about life (like the “All Creatures Great and Small” series) will warm your heart and strengthen your soul.

However, none of this will happen for you if you do not have a PBS station coming into your home. The destruction of the station WBGU-TV will mean that you will have to look elsewhere for all of this help with your “mind, body, soul.”

Write letters, make phone calls, get active, support WBGU-TV. Save your own “mind, body soul.” You are worth it.

J. Bernard Deerhake
