Letter: Republicans to blame for senior’s shortages

Senior citizens and related entities are asking for a $184,000 tax increase to pay for services to our seniors.

Why do they have to do this? The answer lies in the Republican House and Senate in Ohio and our governor. They eliminated the tangible personal property tax and provided no other funds.

Republicans had to do this to cut the taxes of millionaires in Ohio. Millionaries will get a $10,000 cut in their yearly taxes apiece. This amount senior services will “donate” will provide this $10,000 cut to 18 millionaires.We have to help them with finances, I guess.

Also, homeowners who are less than 65 next year will lose their homestead exemption, which cuts your property taxes in half. More help for the rich.

Keep electing the Republicans, and you will help the wealthy.

Kasich has balanced the budget on the backs of working people. That is a fact.

— James Perine
