
Letter: Wedding, event venue bad idea

A petition on the November ballot will decide if a parcel in Amanda Township zoned Agricultural will be given B-1 Business status. Joshua Vandemark...

Letter: Enough of the daily drama

When I was a child in school during World War II, the differences between us and our enemies were absolutely drilled into our heads:...

Letter: Trump and Jordan two of wrong kind

Mark Figley praised President Trump for showing up three days after COVID treatment. Well Mark, you can’t visit a loved one with this ailment...

Letter: Vaccine never mentioned

I want to thank Josh Ellerbrock, a reporter for The Lima News, for the article he authored about the Allen County Commissioner’s debate on...

Letter: Please remember our senior citizens with your vote

There will be a one-mill, 5-year renewal levy for Senior Services on the election ballot Nov. 3rd. The levy will be for the benefit...

Letter: How to end Roe vs. Wade

Quite frequently I read the Your View letters from well-meaning people upset by the Roe v. Wade law. It escapes me as to why...

Letter: Ohio’s top picks for Supreme Court

For non-lawyers, it can be hard to excited about the law. But I’m tremendously excited about two candidates for Ohio Supreme Court, on the...

Letter: The War on Local Police

Protesters of policemen this summer included chants of yelling “We hope they die” referring to two Los Angeles sheriffs ambushed in Compton, California where...

Letter: Capps will fix roads, bridges

Norm Capps brings the knowledge and responsibility of taking care and managing budgets related to roads in Perry Township. His knowledge will carry over...

Letter: Criteria to use when voting

How many voters have read the U.S Constitution?It is easy to find and read. It consists of a few pages in a 3x5 booklet...