
Letter: Extremists must be taken out of power


Extremists on the Supreme Court have taken privacy rights away from women. Brace yourself for their next move against personal rights. Clarence Thomas plans to go after LGBTQ rights next, and he told us that contraception is also in his sights.

Letter: Grateful for kindness of stranger at Meijer


My wife sent me to Meijer to get a couple of cantaloupes because they were two for $5 and some romaine lettuce. I just happened to get behind a lady and her teenage daughter who had a cart full of groceries.

Letter: Manchester deserves your vote for statehouse


Susan Manchester is my choice for the State representative of Ohio’s 84th District.

Letter: Worldwise crises put problems in perspective


In Ukraine, countless thousands have been killed, and millions have fled their homeland due to a war started by a maniacal madman. In Afghanistan, a recent earthquake killed at least 1,000 people, and the death count grows daily. In North Korea, starvation is the rule, not the exception.

Letter: Keep it down for everyone’s sake


Baby, it’s loud outside.

Letter: Good things, bad things with alternative energy


I see that Mr. Wildermuth agrees with me that production of ethanol from corn is a wasteful use of our farmlands. Good thing. It requires more energy to produce than energy realized. Bad thing.

Letter: Best option is sending immigrants back home


In response to the cartoon which The Lima News published that indicated that the replacement theory was started by white supremacists, please consider this: The people who will be replaced are the workers at the lower end of the pay scale. These folks include minorities who the Democrats have discovered can no longer be counted on as safe votes. Hispanic and African-American voters are finding that what the Democrats have promised for years and never delivered is never going to be delivered.

Letter: Immigrants could help labor shortage


I think we as Americans should state the obvious. We do have a crisis at the Southern border. We do not have enough people coming up here for a better life who are willing to work hard.

Letter: Jan. 6 hearings show flaws of the Democrats


I’d like to thank the “Select Committee” of the House of Representatives, the media, the Democratic Party and the weak links of the Republican Party for reminding me why Donald J. Trump was and should be president. The Jan. 6 hearing is no hearing at all, a production; propaganda production to be exact. The media broadcasts as if they were journalizing vs. being a propaganda outlet. Would these types of people have defeated tyranny for our American liberties?

Letter: Presidential Medal of Freedom for Pence?


In 2017, President Obama stated receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom award with distinction indicates “an additional level of veneration in a class of individuals already held in the highest esteem.