Letter: Immigrants could help labor shortage

I think we as Americans should state the obvious. We do have a crisis at the Southern border. We do not have enough people coming up here for a better life who are willing to work hard.

My father, who just passed away, said that we have millions who say they are looking for a job but only a few of them are looking for work! He’s right.

We have Kewpee here in Lima closed on Sunday because they cannot staff their stores. But build a wall! This is stupid beyond belief.

My brother lands in Miami for an international trip the next day and pays $140 for a motel room where the beds are not made and dirty towels are in the restroom. The front desk clerk says take it or leave it. They have no one to clean the rooms.

No matter what your political beliefs are, all you have to do is open your eyes. The labor shortages are out of control.

I remember when a reporter asked this candidate for political office about all these immigrants coming here. He asked forcefully, “Who is going to clean the rooms at my hotels?” Who said that in 2016? Donald Trump did! Honest work. Wash dishes. Clean rooms. Clean floors. Clean restrooms. They cannot find anyone!

I spent the winter in Florida in my first year of retirement. Tampa news and Lake Wales complained about garbage piling up because they can’t find anyone to drive a garbage truck! It’s insane. So let’s yell, “Build a wall” and in the same breath complain because the shelves are empty!

Inflation will continue to worsen unless they allow a huge influx of people into the labor market. Immigrants are where you will find that labor. Or just complain and whine. That’s not working all that well.

Jeffrey Perine
