Letter: Best option is sending immigrants back home

In response to the cartoon which The Lima News published that indicated that the replacement theory was started by white supremacists, please consider this: The people who will be replaced are the workers at the lower end of the pay scale. These folks include minorities who the Democrats have discovered can no longer be counted on as safe votes. Hispanic and African-American voters are finding that what the Democrats have promised for years and never delivered is never going to be delivered.

Now the Democrats are welcoming millions of illegal immigrants to invade our country, and they are actively working to give them the same government benefits that they have promised the minority community for so long. I am sure that many have seen the videos of illegals wearing T-shirts thanking Joe Biden for allowing them to flout our laws as they stream across our borders.

The final Democrat goal is to give all amnesty and citizenship so they can have a new underclass that they can count on for votes to keep them in power forever.

No, the replacement theory is not a pipe dream by a bunch of white supremacists. It is a scheme that the Democrats are using to steal the whole country.

There can only be one solution to this terrifying outcome: The border must be closed, the law which allows catch and release while waiting on court dates must be repealed, and all immigrants must be forced to apply for amnesty at American embassies or consulates in their home countries. All illegals currently here must be deported back to their home countries, no exceptions.

Kenneth E. Harris
