
Letter: Shawnee Roundabout consultant a rip-off

I can’t believe the Allen County commissioners approved $23,500 for a consultant to tell Brion Rhodes how to make his messed-up roundabout safer. The...

Letter: Indians should ask fans what they think first

Just a note to the gutless owners of the Cleveland Indians: Have you ever asked your fans if they want the team’s name changed?...

Letter: Supreme Court decides to shred the 2020 U.S. election

The United States “Supreme Court” just committed the most egregious mistake in SCOTUS history.By a 7-to-2 vote, seven of the nine “in-justices” turned their...

Letter: Shadows, provided by the radical left

Is it Feb. 2 already? Is it Punxsutawney Phil? No wait, it’s Doctor-of-something Kelly Anspaugh with in-depth insight as to why the government should...

Letter: Leverage employers with abatements to gain jobs

Bath schools and trustees have a unique opportunity to greatly increase the economic environment for our Bath and Allen County community and its residents....

Letter: Grateful people made 100th birthday special

I would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of the kind friends and family who sent me birthday cards, called me...

Letter: Grateful for compassion in husband’s cancer, death

With the recent passing of my husband, Dr. David Poeppelman, I would like to thank the many family and friends for the food, companionship,...

Letter: Value of listening to Paul Harvey’s story

A long time ago, on his Christmas Day radio news programs, the great Paul Harvey told a great parable of the meaning of Christmas,...

Letter: Reasons behind stopping Lima’s Christmas dinner

Sadly, we are announcing the cancellation of our 18th annual Lima Community Christmas Dinner, due to concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic.I met earlier last...

Letter: ‘Bright Nights’ brings display worth seeing

My family took a drive through “Bright Nights” at the Allen County Fairgrounds, and it was wonderful.In years past, we have had to travel...