
Letter: Putting my faith in Trump

President Trump obviously is not a traditional politician. He is a savvy businessman who I trust in handling our economy. At the beginning of...

Letter: I feel good about my choice

I am not writing to change minds, rather to remind readers of the human propensity to see “the world” through our unique “lenses.” Examining...

Letter: Beth Seibert has earned your vote

I have had the pleasure of working with Beth Seibert for the past 20 years, both in my position with the governor’s office and...

Letter: Be careful what you wish for

I have watched and listened to various news outlets all and have decided that we are about to become a socialist/communist country if Joe...

Letter: Families deserve reparations

Antietam, Bull Run, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Shiloh, Chancellor, Chickamauga, Fort Henry, Fort Sumter, Hampton Roads and so many more battles: Deaths, over 360,000 and injuries,...

Letter: Would you do that?

Would you let your dentist mend your broken arm? I don’t think so.Dawn Maag is running for Putnam County recorder and has no experience...

Letter: Vote for freedom

This is the first election I can remember where we should not vote for the person. This election we are voting for one of...

Letter: Good deed to be passed on

To the thoughtful gentleman who paid for our pizza at the Beer Barrel on Market Street on Wednesday, thank you for your generosity. We...

Letter: No faith in Democrats

The Democrats are working against your faith.The recent grilling of Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett by Democrats clearly exposes their agenda. In their...

Letter: Senior citizens need your vote

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly changed our once normal routines, and has affected most of us in some way. Our elected officials have struggled...