
Letter: Ohio Redistricting Commission: Waste, fraud and abuse?


Four times our Ohio Redistricting Commission has failed to produce new district maps that meet the requirements.

Letter: Valuing the role her father played


I have a father in heaven, but God gave me an earthly father as well. My father was loving and there for me and my brother, Alan, always; though he was not perfect, only God is.

Letter: Children shouldn’t have to worry about the guns


Someplace in America, we wait and wonder where will it happen next, where will we no longer hear the words from a child asking, “Would you like to try a taste of my mud pies?” “When are we going out to play pitch and catch?” “I can’t wait to grow up and be a teacher (or doctor, marine biologist or a baseball star).”

Letter: Farming for energy would be a good thing


The May 28 letter to the editor from Leslie Kubinski notes that the proposed Birch Solar Farm will make money for the “London-based company.” True. But don’t forget that it will also allow local landowners to double or triple their income from their land. That’s a good thing.

Letter: Just so many mistakes by Biden administration


Some people in town have expressed outrage over someone displaying a large banner saying “(expletive) Joe Biden” on it. This is my response.

Letter: Apply same rules to guns as driving, apartments


I read with interest Carolyn Smith’s letter and am wondering why she and other NRA people are so afraid to give an inch and try raising the age of gun owners to the age of 21 or a background check. How awful would that be?

Letter: Now is the time to reunite geese at Meijer parking lot


Please consider this to be an open letter on behalf of many citizens in Allen County who have knowledge of the lonely male goose in the Meijer parking lot.

Letter: Lima needs ice-skating rink, not another pool


A May 24th article in The Lima News mentions plans by the city to spend $26 million for Lima from American Rescue Plan funds.

Letter: What concerns our daily lives?


In June 2008 a gallon of gasoline was $3.52, and a barrel of crude oil was $140.00 a barrel.

Letter: Grateful Encore Theater cared enough to follow up


I had a ticket for Friday night’s play at Encore Theatre. Unfortunately, the play could not be presented, so that afternoon Encore tried reaching me by phone.