Letter: Apply same rules to guns as driving, apartments

I read with interest Carolyn Smith’s letter and am wondering why she and other NRA people are so afraid to give an inch and try raising the age of gun owners to the age of 21 or a background check. How awful would that be?

You can’t rent an apartment without a background check. No one is given a car and told “go out and drive.”

What do you have so much against having to take a few instructions on how to shoot a gun and taking a test before owning a gun and then getting a license? What have I missed?

I, for one, do not want to take anyone’s gun away. I love reading books; I do have a problem with someone taking my books away. And, may I add, those are the books you want to get and read and find out what is in those books that someone doesn’t want you to see.

Sharon Horstman

Fort Jennings