Letter: Ohio Redistricting Commission: Waste, fraud and abuse?

Four times our Ohio Redistricting Commission has failed to produce new district maps that meet the requirements.

They paid how many tens of thousands of dollars for two out-of-state experts to produce maps that they then refused to use. The commission hired the two experts, and as was reported, the rate was $450 per hour with a cap of $49,000 (for each expert). But the commission only used these experts for four days. The experts were nearly finished, so our elected officials set that product aside and again went on their own.

Then, the redistricting commission refused to meet for weeks. I guess they were too busy with public appearances to do the job they were tasked with. They intended to default to the third map which was previously rejected by the Ohio Supreme Court.

And when facing possible contempt of court charges, Matt Huffman and Bob Cupp, our local representatives who were in charge, installed others in their place and broke and ran for cover.

Is this a violation of their oath of office? It certainly appears to be an example of waste, perhaps fraud and, by my vision, abuse of power.

In Lima and Allen County, we have a former sheriff in prison, a former dog warden who went to prison for theft and a former clerk of courts employee who stole from Lima Municipal Court.

I guess it must be “in the water,” and why should we be surprised?

Is it one more reason why our kids leave the area?

We can do better. We must do better!

David O. Smith
