Letter: Today’s kids lack etiquette

Ever since I read Michael Reagan’s column about undisciplined kids making America on edge, I thought he was absolutely right.

However, there is yet another problem with the youth of today caused by a lack of discipline: the slow but sure disappearance of etiquette being taught to children and teenagers. There was once a time when we wanted to raise our sons and daughters to grow up to become graceful, polite ladies and chivalrous gentlemen. It seems like that doesn’t appear to be the case anymore.

For example, kids nowadays are being allowed to cuss like sailors. In one TikTok video, a child says, “How ‘bout you shut your (expletive) mouth?”At a hockey game I was recently at, I heard some little girls chanting “what the (expletive)!”

Another issue is dress codes. Whenever prom weekends come up and I’m in a restaurant, I notice girls wearing dresses that are very skimpy. This is simply unacceptable.

I don’t know about you, but, in the days when my sister and I were younger, if we cursed, my father would be nearby with a bar of soap. And, my parents always made sure that we were dressed appropriately for special occasions.

So, bottom line: We need to start teaching our children manners again.

Thomas Miller Huffman



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