Letter: The laws of citizenship

A time has come in our country’s history where there are those who choose to ignore those laws which they do not agree with. They want to allow persons into this country who choose to not follow our immigration laws. Some have set up sanctuary cities and states in total conflict with our laws. Legislators and even some judges have violated the oaths they swore when they took office as they have enabled these actions.

The people they chose to allow into this country are illegals. We call these people illegals since they have no intention to follow our immigration laws to become citizens. Some would allow them to part take in the priviledges of citizenship without fulfilling the requirements of becoming a citizen.

Citizenship in the United States is one of the most valuable assets and privilege a person can attain. It is protected by laws and those who work to subvert it are criminals.

A person who is not a citizen has no right to enter this country without following our immigration laws. Those who enter with no intention of following our laws are illegals.

There is no doubt that our immigration laws need rewritten as the current laws have some problems. The new laws need to eliminate chain migration, the lottery, and birthright citizenship. Citizenship should require an understanding of English, our language, the history or our founding documents, and the organization of our government into the three branches, Legislative, Judicial, and Executive.

Phillip C Sellati, Lima

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