Letter: Help the Ada library help you

In many yards in the Ada area you have seen the signs urging you to “Vote for the Library.” Those signs are to remind voters that your vote matters! We all have seen issues lose by one vote — that’s why your vote matters.

Have you visited the Ada Public Library recently or used their user-friendly website www.adalibrary.org At the Library, you and your family have opportunities for free Wi-Fi, free computer usage, free notary service, voter registration, and excellent programs for babies through adults, including book discussions for tweens and adults.

There has been a reduction in revenue from the state of approximately $34,000 per year; therefore, the Library is asking the community to support a five-year levy, which will generate $110,820 over the five-years. The Library will have a one (1) mill levy on the Nov. 5 ballot for the purpose of current expenses. This would see a home valued at $100,000 paying approximately $35 a year, or $2.82 a month.

Some Ada Public Library Facts:

• The 2019 Summer Reading Program hosted 96 programs, with an attendance of 2,379 participants.

• Patrons have access to over six million items, including e-books, Blu-rays, DVDs, audio books, magazines, music CDs, movies, software, online databases, and educational materials; local newspapers, large selection of periodicals, large print books, digitally archived Ada newspapers, some dating back to 1859, and local history materials, including items of value for genealogy research and more.

• Programs are featured every week from lectures to “Donuts with a Cop” and working with home-schooled children.

Your vote matters. Please vote for the Ada Public Library.

Connie Fleming, Ada