Letter: Ehora’s record speaks for itself

As someone who moved back to Lima after 36 years in Florida, I recognized that while many positive developments have improved the city, there also is still very much to do. I believe people can choose to complain and see only what they want to see, or you can do something about it and make positive change.

I chose to get involve and make a difference.

There are so many great things in Lima, gems like The MET, Encore Theater, Old City Prime, Ghost Tours, Art Walks, and one of my personal interest, Rotary Movies in the Park which I love doing for our community every year! I also started a very active neighborhood association with the help of my great neighbors. The list goes on,and sometimes I find there’s so much to do in Lima I have to pick and choose.

Any city that attracts involved citizens does so by strong leaders who understand that it takes vision, collaboration and active involvement to transmogrify vision into reality. That’s why I implore you to vote for 4th Ward City Council Candidate, Peggy Ehora. She doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk. She’ll listen, she’ll respond, and she’ll get what needs to get done in this city to keep us moving forward.

We need your vote on Nov. 5th! You can learn more about Peggy on her website www.voteehora.com or Facebook Vote Ehora.

Catheryn Sarno, Lima