Ohio’s homeless needs your help

Despite the threats in Washington to affordable housing programs and funding for homeless services, Ohio has made real progress in fighting homelessness over the past few years. This is important to remember, especially as we pause to count our blessings during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Progress in the fight to end homelessness wouldn’t have been possible without advocacy groups like COHHIO standing up for the people who politicians too often overlook. We could not do this work without your financial support or your help calling legislators, writing emails, and amplifying our message, and for that I am thankful.

But we have a lot of work to do, especially now with legislation in Washington that could devastate tax incentives for affordable housing and reduce funding for homeless services and other domestic spending in coming years.

The good news is, after years of working on these issues we now know that ending homelessness and the affordable housing crisis is possible. We only need the will to devote the necessary resources to solving these problems. And COHHIO needs your support to continue bringing this message to the powers that be.

So please donate to COHHIO on GivingTuesday (Nov. 28) to advance our mission to end homelessness in Ohio and expand affordable housing for the state’s most vulnerable. And if you donate through this Facebook fundraiser on Giving Tuesday, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will match your tax-deductible contribution.

Thanks again for your support and have a great Thanksgiving holiday!

Bill Faith, Executive Director, Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio