Letter: New broom is needed to sweep the city clean

I have been reading with great interest the letters from the Berger operatives trashing Keith Chaney for campaigning during the recent Memorial Day Parade. These are the usual Liberal / Progressive tactics (of which Mayor Berger certainly is one): break the rules and blame your opponent for doing the same.

No real surprise here, except that they really do not have an issue to campaign on so they keep beating the dead horse of the parade issue.

All you have to do to see why we need a new mayor and city administration is read the headlines in The Lima News. Young men are killing each other at a sickening rate. This has been going on for years in our town. So far the Berger administration has been unable to get a handle on the issue. Berger has been in office for many years. So far no real solution to address the violence of our young men has been even tried.

I truly believe it is time for a new administration in our city. A new broom is needed to sweep the city clean.

Kenneth E. Harris, Lima