Vote for Clintonis vote for sanity

I am amazed at the number of yard signs in this area in support of Donald Trump. Yes, I can understand wanting to reject Washington insiders and the arguably corrupt governmental system they have created, but electing a mentally deranged, pathologically lying, narcissist to lead this country is not the answer.

You Trump supporters have now publicly thumbed your noses at the status-quo, and you’ve given the symbolic finger to the establishment elite by nominating for president a candidate you think is a rebel and an outsider. You’ve made your point; the joke needs to end here. Don’t let your disgust with our dysfunctional government lead you to make a horrible mistake. Please do not vote for Donald Trump for president.

Hillary Clinton may be ethically challenged, but she’s not clinically insane, and that separates her by a mile from her chief opponent, who is dangerously unstable.

Let’s not put a madman in the oval office. A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for sanity and an opportunity to elect a competent and qualified candidate. Let’s choose wisely.

Daniel L. Dardio, Spencerville