Letter: Ohio cannot afford Portman

For the past two years the good people of Ohio have been subjected to a never ending barrage of television, radio, and internet ads depicting what a great public servant for Ohio residents Rob Portman has been. The problem is, most of it is not true.

Rob Portman supports privatization of Social Security and turning Medicare into a voucher program. This would devastate Ohio’s seniors. Portman has voted against raising the minimum wage and voted five times against the Paycheck Fairness Act, depriving equal pay for equal work for the women of Ohio. Portman also backed a plan that took guaranteed overtime wages from some workers in Ohio. But even more devastating is Portman’s embrace of the trade deals that have outsourced many Ohio jobs to other countries. He voted to make permanent most favored trade status for China, which devastated Ohio steel manufacturing. And he was one of the first senators to support the newest and likely the most devastating of all, the Trans Pacific Partnership or TTP.

Ohio and America cannot afford to have Rob Portman in the United States Senate another six years. Vote Ted Strickland Nov. 8th.

Dennis Honigford, Delphos