Letter: Wobler a uniter; Lammers a bully

Normally I support Republican candidates, but in the Putnam County Commissioners race, Democrat Tony Wobler is everything that Mike Lammers isn’t.

Wobler unites people and brings them together by making good decisions. Lammers bully’s and divides people for his personal gain.

Wobler’s running a faith-based campaign; attending different churches weekly. He also goes door-to-door in the county villages talking to people; learning from them: Lammers likes photo ops and sitting in coffee shops.

Wobler is a gold star father. After meeting Wobler and how hard Wobler works, it isn’t difficult to see why Woblerson was named the 82nd Airborne soldier of the year. Wobler openly professes his stand as pro life, conservative; pro-gun; has a history of standing up against complacency and doing the right thing

Wobler balanced a construction business for many years while working full time for the state. Wobler was the business and human resource administrator over eight county’s in the Ohio Department of Transportation, where he met with officials to gather subject matter to assist with major decisions. Lammers has limited experience in business

Wobler looks at the entire issue and the effect it will have on the residents of Putnam County. Lammers is disrespectful to those that don’t agree with him and treats others as if they are a stepping stone for his advancement.

Vote Tony Wobler for commissioner. A man you can trust.

Nick Chanler, Ottawa