Letter: Spell her name correctly: Hil-lie-ry

The Godfather movies show us how the mafia corrupted the police, judges, media and the politicians. In today’s world, it is no different.

One can see from the over $1 billion donated to the Clinton campaign that mobsters cannot afford for Hil-lie-ry to lose. America may not survive another liberal administration as our Supreme Court will be in jeopardy of being taken over by judges promoting bigger government socialistic programs that distance us further and further from free-enterprising capitalism and closer and closer to totalitarian dictatorship.

She supported NAFTA and TPP (forcing layoffs because jobs and companies are going overseas as a result), and she welcomes open borders and illegals to get benefits with our tax money and compete for our jobs.

Hil-lie-ry deleted thousands of secret e-mails after they had been subpoenaed by the courts, kept thousands of classified and top secret e-mails on her private server, and gave favors in exchange for her money-laundering Clinton Foundation. When Hil-lie-ry left those heroic soldiers to die in Benghazi, she had the nerve to lie about it over and over again.

This election is the ultimate battle between good and evil. Don’t make the mistake of being scammed through propaganda into taking an “offer you can’t refuse.” Instead, vote Trump/Pence and make America great again by restoring law and order, abiding by our Constitution, enforcing our borders, and allowing liberty and justice to reign for all Americans.

Tom Riegle, Lima