Letter: Help middle class, vote Janet Garrett


The only debate between the two candidates running for our Congressional District 4 was held at Monroeville High School. This debate between Jim Jordan and his challenger, Janet Garrett, was sponsored by the Sandusky Register. Questions came from the students of Monroeville High School and four neighboring high schools as well as some from the Sandusky Register. Anyone interested in seeing the clear distinction between these two candidates can view the whole debate on the computer by searching Sandusky Register Jordan versus Garrett Debate. Many of you may agree that District 4 needs a new voice in Congress.

Personally, I have been a Janet Garrett supporter from day one: I have had the privilege of chauffeuring Janet in my Mustang convertible in Parades and have also had the honor of working with, and for her in many other ways.

I can’t emphasize enough that Jim Jordan needs to be replaced by Janet Garrett in “Jim Jordan’s failed attempt” of handling the office of our U.S. House of Representatives Ohio Fourth Congressional District.

We can all support the workers and the middle class by voting for Janet Garrett.

— Leonard Staley, Lima