Letter: Haycock solid choice for state school board

As a 30-plus year financial services leader and father of three young adults, I know full well the importance of education for our children. Education is a key influence for Ohio’s social, civic, and economic well-being. We need representation from people who will preserve and advance the promise of public education for all children. That’s why I am endorsing Linda Haycock for the District 1 seat on the State Board of Education.

Haycock’s experience is unmatched in the race. Throughout her eight years of service on the Lima Shawnee School Board, she has worked diligently for the welfare of all Shawnee’s children. She values the idea of listening to and considering viewpoints on policy from all constituents: from parents, teachers, school administrators, and education experts. Working with the Ohio School Boards Association, Haycock has already been engaged with and has briefed the Ohio Department of Education, the General Assembly, and members of Congress on pressing issues involving education in Ohio.

I have known Linda for many years and trust her to always seek to do what’s best for Ohio’s kids on the State Board of Education. That’s why I encourage you to vote for Linda Haycock on Nov. 8.

David A. Anderson, Lima