Letter: Does America want a dictator?

Watching the presidential debates can be a very worrisome problem for voters. While I’m not 100 percent for Hillary Clinton I am 100 percent against Donald Trump. In a country of 324 million people it’s a shame that these two are the ones we have to select from. The election should be about the ability to govern not gossip. We have become a society of whiners and complainers.

In regards to “locker room banter,” I have lived in Lima, Toledo and Cleveland and belonged to the YMCA in each city. Yes, there is a certain amount of sexual braggadocio in locker rooms but when it includes using a career power position or wealth as a means to directly motivate unwanted actions it becomes assault.

Listen very carefully to Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence and, by all means, cast your vote for them if you want our country to be run by dictators.

Richard Nichols, Lima