Letter: Live your life the American way

Every morning, we as a nation, wake up to a new dawn. May I suggest, let us ask the question? What can I do to make life better? Let us learn to disagree, agreeably. Be involved; use your democratic privilege, vote.

In an election year, we tend to examine the difficulties we are encountering. We are angry, upset, want our voices heard. This is a good thing. We are too busy most of the time. It is the American way of democracy in motion.

Every generation has things to overcome. To quote an elder and past president of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, Howard W. Hunter, “In my lifetime I have seen two World Wars, plus Korea, plus Vietnam. Worked through Depression while going to law school and starting a family. Seen stock market, and world economics, go crazy. Despots and tyrants causing trouble in the world.”

It is true, I have witnessed this in my lifetime as well. So when someone says, politics, I’m tired of it or maybe suggest violence, may I remind you, things have been worse and they always get better? Take heart America, this is your life, your freedom, please cherish it. Don’t forget to participate. We will get through it. That’s what makes us great. Thanks to the Lima News for letting me participate.

— Rosemary Benedum, Lima