Letter: Justice for Doug Wine

I want to thank Brice Brenneman for his recent guest editorial documenting the horrible nightmare of injustice that continues for Doug Wine. I invite everyone reading this who has any sense of civic responsibility to take six minutes of time and watch the video that is available at the dougwineisinnocent.wordpress.com. In this brief time you will see that the accusation of rape made against Dr. Wine is preposterous. Why can’t our legal system, and specifically Judge Fred Pepple and Prosecutor Ed Pierce admit they made a terrible mistake?

A year ago I read the essay, “Twelve reasons I believe Doug wine is innocent.” I continue to be outraged at a how a jury was tricked into a guilty verdict. How can statements made following a completely bogus polygraph procedure be used as evidence? And how can a male judge introduce “lesser charges” that directly contradict the supposed victim’s testimony?

I have never met Doug Wine. My heart goes out to him and his family for what our legal system has put him through for the last five years.

Tell your friends on social media to visit the web site and view the six-minute video. Join me in demanding justice for Wine by signing the on-line petition.

— Leah Blevins, Lima