Letter: GOP flunks basic math

In response to the Feb. 16 article, “Portman: Court pick should be made after elections,” Portman says it’s common for the Senate not to act on lifetime appointments during the final year of a presidential term. I would like for Rob Portman to cite an example of the “common” occurrence. He can’t, because it’s a lie.

Mitch McConnell publicly announced on the very day that Scalia died that anyone President Obama recommended would not be considered. Republicans in Congress fell in line. McConnell said “the American people should have a voice in the selection…” Apparently, McConnell is forgetting that President Obama was elected twice by the majority of the American people, so whenever he speaks or acts, the majority of American people are being represented. The Constitution states that the president shall fill vacancies in the Supreme Court. It doesn’t say “unless it’s his last year of his second term.” Period.

President Reagan appointed Justice Kennedy with unanimous ratification of the Senate during his last year in office. Sandra Day O’Connor (appointed by Reagan) says President Obama should fill the vacancy. She says the real reason behind Republican resistance is “just because we hate the president.”

George Washington predicted that the two party systems would be the downfall of our democracy. I am pretty sure he never imagined the disgraceful, ignorant, treasonous behavior we see today.

I am an Independent, so I’m not bashing Republicans. I have worked and paid taxes for over 40 years. If I refused to do my job, lied about my work, was ignorant about my job requirements, was counterproductive or disrespectful to my supervisors or my employer, I’d be fired.

— Twyla Green, Vaughnsville