Letter: Not everyting is about race

I wanted to write this letter in rant of the latest video of the white police officer yanking the 16-year-old high school student from her desk in South Carolina. I’m so sick and tired of the “race” card being pulled out on every situation when it involves “white” vs. “black.” This is what happens every time there is an instance like this.

Look around people, there are more races in this country than just “white” and “black;” there are Hispanics, Asians, Indian, and numerous other races that dwell in our society. How is it that they never pull the “race” card when they get in trouble?

This is a plain and simple display of a teenager clearly not respecting her elders/peers and just clearly not listening to what she is being told to do. I guarantee this is a child gets away with everything she wants at home. Clearly, the officer was in the wrong by using excessive force, but obviously there have been other issues in this school system with “unruly” – “non-behaving” children, or there would not be school appointed officers on the property.

I feel the parent should have been called after the student decided not to listen to either the teacher or the administrator, I’m sure it would have been a whole different outcome. Also, why do we even allow our kids to have their cell phones at school? They should be locked up in their locker or left at home, then this would stop a lot of issues with students.

— Nancy E. Fetter