
Letter: Ehora able to find solutions

Peggy Ehora deserves your vote as 4th Ward council person.Peggy always stays positive about her family, her neighborhood, her employer and her city. Peggy...

Letter: Kreher works for the people

Rebecca Kreher has the personal and professional characteristics which make for a fine, effective local public servant. No guesses, no speculation!She has attended meetings,...

Letter: Jones, Glenn need to be teammates

I have read with interests the discussions between Messers. Glenn and Jones about the 6th Ward. I don’t understand why two leaders serving in...

Letter: McLean, Glenn good choices

Concerning the Lima City Council election, educate yourself before you vote.I have found both Sam McLean and Derry Glenn to be sincere in what...

Letter: Rebecca Kreher won’t let you down

Just some thoughts on the re-election of Rebecca Kreher for 4th Ward Council Person.Rebecca was my council person when I lived in the city....


Thirty-nine years ago, we met our new roommate at Ohio University. Her name was Peggy Ann Fisher, and she hailed from Lima, Ohio, which...


I was born and raised in Lima. I’ve seen people in my neighborhood and even my own family go through a lot of things....

Letter: Elijah Cummings taught us well

Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings was a powerful voice for the poor, downtrodden, voiceless and those who were unjustly, unfairly, unequally mistreated here in the...

Letter: Seddelmeyer has served Shawnee well

What personal and professional characteristics make for an effective local public servant?In my opinion, the ones possessed by Chris Seddelmeyer who is seeking reelection...

Letter: No disputing Glenn’s commitment

The upcoming election brings a certain flair of uncertainty as we listen to candidates tell us what they think we want to hear, causing...