
Letter: There is a great bakery in Delphos

I disagree with an article in Salt magazine that stated there hasn’t been a bakery in Delphos for a really long time.There is and...

Letter: Three proposed steps to a better democracy

My name is Noah Gabriel Aregood, and I am a young, politically active independent from right here in Lima, Ohio. As I move towards...

Letter: Snakes, rats and Democrats attack a good president

Now we have this fake impeachment “investigation.” Adam Schiff is an embarrassment. The Democrats are all in for impeachment. The media is all in...

Column: Jessica Johnson thought-provoking

I have just finished reading guest columnist Jessica Johnson’s article on “Changing the conversation of white privilege.” I look forward to seeing her work...

Letter: ‘Medicare for All’ has consequences

In the event that one of the leading Democrats were to defeat President Trump next year, it is predictable that most taxpayers would experience...

Letter: Hunting part of circle of life

Anyone who reads my letters knows that I’m a serious advocate for animal rights. With that said, I believe that hunters often get a...

Bath Schools infull compliance

It is important for the Bath Community to know that Bath School is audited annually by the State Auditor’s office. We are in full...

Letter: GOP claims don’t add up

The House has three committees investigating the possible impeachment of Donald Trump. On these committees are 48 positions that belong to the Republican Party....

Letter: More Ohio State, forget Michigan

Why should I care about the fact that Michigan basketball’s schedule is going to be tougher this year?It’s just one of many articles you...

Letter: Rebecca has always been responsive

As lifelong residents of the City of Lima — 23 of those years in the 4th Ward — we are supporting Rebecca Kreher for...