
Letter: Take a look at yourself

This virus is really getting people to work together.There is one thing I will say during these troubling times: If you haven’t accepted Jesus...

Letter: Got toilet paper, you got power

Because World War II ended when I was in the second grade, I was too young to remember much about it. I do remember,...

Letter: What are we thinking?

We’re shooting ourselves in the foot.Yes, the virus could ruin the economy. But even if not, the quarantine is likely to finish off any...

Letter: Help is there for gamblers

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Ten percent of Ohio’s adults are at risk for having a gambling issue and more than 90,000 Ohioans...

Letter: What Bible says about pestilence

The coronavirus is a pestilence. Pestilence means disease. The Bible lists pestilence as a sign before Christ’s return.Charles Rice, Lima .neFileBlock { margin-bottom: 20px; } .neFileBlock p { margin:...

Letter: Today’s GOP is party of JFK

We Republicans want to offer to you moderate Democrats an electoral home. There is no Democrat party of old,tThe party your parents voted for....

Letter; Remember the name Mike Larsen

Jim Jordan needs to be replaced in Congress. Because of the severe gerrymandering of Ohio’s 4th district, that an overwhelmingly difficult task; in order...

Letter: I’m not a doctor, but …

The hatred of the left just keeps getting louder and louder. The more the President does (good or not so good), the more they...

Letter: Sielschott fits all qualifications

Many people believe that a commissioner is the executive arm of county government - similar to a municipal Mayor except for a county instead...

Letter: Bambauer has skill set

I have served Auglaize County as a commissioner for the past 12 years, and am very knowledgeable with the qualities and skill set it...