
Letter: I’m not a doctor, but …

The hatred of the left just keeps getting louder and louder. The more the President does (good or not so good), the more they...

Letter: Sielschott fits all qualifications

Many people believe that a commissioner is the executive arm of county government - similar to a municipal Mayor except for a county instead...

Letter: Bambauer has skill set

I have served Auglaize County as a commissioner for the past 12 years, and am very knowledgeable with the qualities and skill set it...

Letter: A public service announcement by FOX, Trump

“Most overblown and overhyped virus in world history! Nothing more than a mild flu that has the world in panic attack. Sad.”“Just a bunch...

Letter: Let Trump do his job

The Democrat Party wants power at any cost. We are warned about such people in the Bible — “poisenous as deadly snakes,” “most expert...

Letter: Feeling the enthusiasm

I am writing to express my deep and sincere gratitude for the overwhelming support extended to our family during the campaign process. From attending...

Letter: Bambauer right choice in Auglaize

It is with pleasure that I support David Bambauer for Auglaize County commissioner.David is all the things you want in a county commissioner —honest,...

Letter: Sielschott gets job done

I am writing in support of Tim Sielschott for Allen County Commissioner. While most of the young people who go off to college never...

Letter: A father knows best

It’s certainly no surprise that a father would issue an endorsement of his son. But I am doubly proud to do so, given the...

Letter: Not Trump’s economy

No single person “runs” the economy. Trial and error by generations of entrepreneurs built the model for the capitalist democracy we live in, and...