
Letter: College hazing, bullying & death

The Ohio Legislative Branch, which serves as the voice of the people, appears to be lacking in its representation. A BGSU student from Delaware...

Letter: Astonished? What a joke

Our elected leaders say they were “astonished” by the events of Jan. 6 at the Capitol.Really?I would like to point out that for the...

Letter: Tired of fighting OPERS

This is about how OPERS board members decide what is best for an above knee amputee. I have received disability payments for five years,...

Letter: Crickets on taxing the wealthy

One of the major tenants of the entire Biden/Harris campaign was to end the Trump tax cuts. In fact, according to Bloomberg, he said...

Letter: Biden backers awfully quiet

I’m sitting here wondering where all these diehard Biden lover’s letters are, telling us all the great things he is doing for taxpaying American...

Letter: Who’s for the people?

Now all of America knows who really cares about the people of this country. Numerous economists have said our economy needed a boost to...

Risk for chronic kidney disease even more critical due to COVID-19 pandemic

An estimated 1 in 10 people worldwide have chronic kidney disease, but most of them don’t know it. That lack of awareness is especially...

Letter: A little thing was a big thing

To the person ahead of us who paid for our lunch at the Shawnee Road Arby’s around 12:30 p.m. on March 3: This is...

Letter: Response to ‘Operation Big Needle’

I am writing in response to Vigil Stephens’ letter published on Sunday, “Operation Big Needle.” On behalf of Allen County Public Health, I want...

Letter: Lost in the fun of growing old

I seem to be good at strange things. I am at the age where I am good at losing things. Not “real” good at...