
Letter: A morning we won’t forget

At this new year as we pause to reflect on the past, we are reminded of our many blessings. One of those blessings came...

LETTER: Listen to people about redistricting

State Senator Matt Huffman sits on a bipartisan Congressional Redistricting Working Group poised with reviewing and reforming Ohio’s failed redistricting process that paves the...

Letters: Be thankful for Jim Jordan

It appears that there is a Democrat sponsored letter writing campaign to trash Jim Jordan in progress in our area. Well this is not...

Letter: Living high off the hog at $8.15 an hour

Mr. Jordan, since you are so glad that the big tax cut passed, do you think it would be nice if you would introduce...

Letter: Taking it out on children

A letter writer to The Lima News says she has contacted U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan about the children’s health program.She needs to be informed...

Letter: RTA cuts now being felt

I take the RTA North East bus to Marimor. Effective Tuesday, they no longer have this route.There are 40 who take the bus to...

Letter: Cooper deserving of Lima Hall of Fame

I am writing in regards to Lima Senior High Athletic Hall of Fame inductees, which once again excluded my brother Randy Cooper whom graduated...

Letter: Ohio takes innovative steps toward cybersecurity

A statewide initiative led by the National Guard to prepare for cyberattacks was mentioned in the article “Task Force Lima fly-in visit a success”...

Letter: Jordan’s rheteroic on FBI getting old quickly

So Jim Jordan thinks that the FBI tried to keep Trump from being elected?Given the performance we have seen thus far from Trump, I...

Letter: Time to stop violence among youth in Lima

The Lima Area Black Ministerial Alliance was recently made aware of a video from a physical altercation that took place at the Waffle House,...