
Letter: Neighborhood specialists truly benefit city of Lima

During a December Lima City Council meeting, one of the council members wanted to know what was the job of the neighborhood specialist. He...

Letter: Trump coverage not fair and balanced

All people reading this letter should boycott the Lima News by stopping their subscriptions for at least a month or until fair and balanced...

Letter: Thank you, President Trump for work on broadband

This past Saturday, we held our first Cable-TV-War meeting. What seemed to impress the crowd the most was the fact that just a few...

Letter: Residents need someone who will stand up for them

At last we have tax reform. In 2016 our congressman campaigned on two themes — “Repeal and replace Obamacare” and “Responsible fiscal policy.” The...

Letter: Enjoy the advantages of presence in a moment

I want to thank the staff of Kalida Elementary School for the saying they had on the sign in front of their school during...

Letter: Newspaper deserves kudos for revised comment policy

As I’m sure everyone has noticed, politics these days can be incredibly polarizing. No matter what your beliefs are, there’s going to be someone...

Letter: If cable frustrates you, file a complaint with FCC

We have only one cable company in this area, Spectrum/Time Warner, and their prices for each or all services are outrageous. My cable cost...

Letter: Progressive liberal editors choose the news stories

The Lima News headline Thursday was “Trump presidency creates alternate reality.” People who call themselves journalists create hysteric headlines over President Trump’s assessment of...

Letter: Mail, newspaper delivery folks deserve some praise

I’m writing to our unsung heroes.During this extreme prolonged frigid weather, our mail carriers and newspaper delivery people endure it all so we get...

Letter: Beware Democrats’ plans on immigration reform

This past week, President Trump held an interesting meeting with Democrats on immigration with the video press present. The Democrats kept using the term...