
Letter: Year ended on a high note

On Sunday, Dec. 29, I was waiting in line at Walmart on Allentown Road when the clerk who was finished checking me out told...

Letter: An invitation to our party

My self esteem has recovered from being called deplorable and irredeemable. Now I’m given to understand that I am a like-minded hater and one...

Letter: Newspaper went too far

The story about the mother and daughter who perished in the Perry Township fire was one of the most tragic and distasteful pieces of...

Letter: Rural areas aided by Electoral College

Kenneth E. Harris’s letter (“In defense of Electoral College” — January 6) is excellent, and I concur. However, I want to point out that...

Letter: Trump on target in Iran

The old saying “the proof is in the pudding” seems to be true, yet even today.President Trump’s bold move to eliminate a top terrorist...

Letter: A life lived Koza style

I was the weekend news anchor at WLIO-TV when Vince Koza was hired in 1980 by the station fresh out of OU to work...

Letter: Information unnecessary

I really feel that The Lima News did a very distasteful thing when putting the 911 call from fire victim in the newspaper. Out...

Letter: Cut ties with political parties

Thank you for publishing the Marilyn vos Savant column as part of Parade magazine in the Sunday package of The Lima News. For those...

Letter: Showing the Christmas spirit

Thank you to Randy LaRue and his staff at Reineke Ford for their kindness and help. Our grandson is in the Air Force and...

Letter: In defense of the Electoral College

In response to Albert A. Gabel, professor emeritus of The Ohio State University, who wrote the Electoral College was instituted to avoid voters voting...