
Letter: Huge debt has consequence

In a column by Cal Thomas on the Opinion page some months back, he quoted a former Congressional Budget Office director who said the...

Letter: A gentleman and a fool

To former Vice President Pence:Thank you for being a real American. Fullfilling your duties you undertook when your were placed into office, you did...

Letter: The things you see

While waiting for my car to be serviced, I walked around the dealership’s showroom. I took notice of a young lady operating a 10-key...

Letter: America the land of technocracy

America and technocracyTo understand what has been happening here in America for the last several years you’ll have to understand what technocracy is. It...

Letter: Quality care found in Lima

Sending a big “thank you” to the staff of Mercy Health St. Rita’s Hospital for efficiently and helpfully processing the elderly through the coronavirus...

Letter: A message for President Biden

President Biden:You do not unite by pointing fingers at unreasonable unrest, but by pulling the country together with the qualities that make America the...

Letter: Truth matters, Jim Jordan

Hey Jim Jordan, why don’t you stop lying? Truth matters.There are plenty of photographs of you out there with a megaphone, promoting “Stop The...

Letter: Enough is enough

This is a letter to the children running our government.Almost without exception, and no matter if they have an ‘R’ or ‘D’ behind their...

Letter: Answer to double-standard

I watched as the protest at the Capitol turned into a riot. In no way do I blame President Trump for this any more...

Letter: How big is the solar farm?

After reading all of the pros and cons of the solar panel fields, no one that I recall brought this up:The amount of acres...