
Letter: A little thing was a big thing

To the person ahead of us who paid for our lunch at the Shawnee Road Arby’s around 12:30 p.m. on March 3: This is...

Letter: Response to ‘Operation Big Needle’

I am writing in response to Vigil Stephens’ letter published on Sunday, “Operation Big Needle.” On behalf of Allen County Public Health, I want...

Letter: Lost in the fun of growing old

I seem to be good at strange things. I am at the age where I am good at losing things. Not “real” good at...

Letter: A gift during Lenton season

A big “Rose” commendation to the folks at St. John’s Catholic Church for putting on the Stations of the Cross on Tuesdays at 6:30...

Letter: Operation big needle

The people at the Knights of Columbus building on Cable Road who are giving the COVID-19 vaccination shots are simply fantastic. I don’t know...

Trust science and the fact

I am a health-care professional and care deeply for the health and safety of our community. The Birch Solar farm is an opportunity for...

Letter: Just follow the science

In your back yard not mine. Interesting that individuals who would not live next to these wind and solar aberrations are in favor of...

Letter: Paper boy loves his job

I am the independent distributor (paper boy) of The Lima News in Ottawa, Glandorf, the north side of Kalida, Cloverdale and Dupont. I am...

Letter: Spectrum wants more, gives less

I am wondering why Spectrum cable does not carry ME tv? I requested they add the channel and get no response. They have the...

Letter: Neighborhood snow heroes

There were snow angels all around us and we are thankful.Our snow angel is Jane Stevens. She cleared our driveway and sidewalks. What a...