
Letter: Both sides failing in solving problems


Thank you for your article “Contradictory decisions or consistent?”

Letter: Crisis pregnancy centers are doing unethical work


I have received a good deal of backchat, heat and even a few vague threats for my letter of May 21st in which I am critical of The Lima News’ coverage of Heartbeat of Lima. Heartbeat is what is generally known as a “Crisis Pregnancy Center.” I provide here a link to a 2018 article published in the American Medical Association’s Journal of Ethics entitled “Why Crisis Pregnancy Centers are Legal but Unethical,” bit.ly/3OMEjQW.

Letter: Answers still needed on rape case of Dr. Wine


I would like to call to readers’ attention that an innocent man remains “convicted” in Auglaize County, thanks to the incompetence and dishonesty of retired sheriff Al Solomon, Prosecuting Attorney Ed Pierce and Judge Frederick Pepple.

Letter: Biden’s mistakes can not be overlooked


With the Biden inflationary spiral out of control and diesel prices skyrocketing, economic pressures on our economy from food, housing and anything relying on truck transport is increasing exponentially. Smaller community rapid response services such as fire, police and EMT services are scrambling to rearrange their budgets due to these fuel increases.

Letter: Why not change these three things?


I’m in my 70s now, so I know I won’t see any major changes in my lifetime. If I could, one would be to bury all communication and electrical lines. These lines are tremendously costly to repair (in summer storms and winter ice). This will probably never happen because of the obvious cost involved.

Letter: Fuel inflation could have been avoided


Whoopie and Larry D., along with many others, insist that the fuel price inflation was not caused by President Biden. Perhaps they need a reminder of three important facts: supply vs. demand is a basic tenant of economics, Trump’s goal for the U.S. was energy self-sufficiency, and Biden reversed Trump’s initiatives after taking office.

Letter: Rising real estate taxes are real worry


I am seeing more and more complaints about the cost of gas. Granted, the price has risen sharply, but what is worse is the rise in our real estate taxes. My taxes went up over 35%. I have spoken with people whose went up higher and lower.

Letter: Heartbeat of Lima and Putnam County appreciates community’s support


In response to the Supreme Court decision on June 24 overturning Roe v. Wade, we at Heartbeat of Lima and Putnam County are committed to maintaining our support of those needing aid as they face challenges related to pregnancy and child-rearing. Pregnancy Help Organizations provide support in a variety of ways, including maternity homes, adoption agencies, medical clinics and pregnancy resource centers.

Letter: Gun control not the answer to school shootings


We had another terrible shooting in Texas where 14 innocent children and a teacher were murdered May 24.

Letter: Wanting to know more about the lone goose


Please tell the story of the goose at Meijer. I saw that goose about a month ago standing at the stop sign by Panda Express. He looked like he was waiting his turn to cross the street.