Letter: Biden’s mistakes can not be overlooked

With the Biden inflationary spiral out of control and diesel prices skyrocketing, economic pressures on our economy from food, housing and anything relying on truck transport is increasing exponentially. Smaller community rapid response services such as fire, police and EMT services are scrambling to rearrange their budgets due to these fuel increases.

So this fall, when schools open, will your primary or secondary student be looking at the purchase of a bus ticket as a fuel surcharge to and from school? Basic services, like my weekly refuse removal, are already relying on this tax.

In the first 18 months of the Carter, I mean Biden, administration, he has led from behind on everything. With Afghanistan, we now have 76,000 Afghan refugees living in the US who can’t speak English and were not part of the interpreter extradition program. With more than 75,000 fentanyl overdose deaths of people 18-45, Biden continues his open southern border invasion. Give me your tired, poor, drug traffickers, terrorists and human traffickers.

Biden’s energy secretary Jennifer Granholm says she cannot “wave a magic wand” to get more oil and gas, but her boss will go on bent knee to our enemies like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela to get more oil, when two years ago we were energy independent.

Biden can blame Putin all he wants, but the fact still remains that Russia’s GDP is smaller than the state of Texas, and our “allies” are still buying his gas and oil.

Craig Nichols
