Letter: Respect the sanctity of an unborn baby

Human life is sacred and has intrinsic value, no matter what age, handicap, malformation or stage of development. Current knowledge of life in the womb is unprecedented. Research from myriad institutions such as the Charlotte Lozier Institute utilize credentialed scientists, practicing physicians and other medical academics to analyze and study life in the womb. The results of these findings are remarkable.

For example, a fertilized egg contains everything needed for full human development. The unborn are distinct, living and whole human beings. They are totally different from their mother or father. The babies undergo reproduction, they metabolize, they respond to stimuli and have their own unique genetic code, gender and blood type.

An 8-week-old child, in the womb, can suck her thumb, recoil from pain and respond to sound. All her organs are present, her brain is functioning, heart is pumping, her liver is making blood cells, kidneys are cleaning, she has unique fingerprints and her own unique DNA. She is a unique distinct human being.

Sadly, virtually all the one million abortions in our country that happened last year, occurred after eight weeks’ gestation. The stabbing, suctioning, chemical poisoning or scissoring of an unborn baby, at will, is a vile and brutal practice.

If her size and level of development matter, then children of all ages are in jeopardy based upon this criterion. If her level of development really mattered then we are all debased to a level of inequality. If her location or environment matter, then think clearly as to what your present location has to do with your humanity.

The 8- to 9-inch trip down the birth canal does not turn a non-viable human into a viable human being. Think about the diabetic, the person who needs an oxygen tank, dialysis or even a 3-year old. Is it logical to kill a human being because of their dependency? Our country cannot continue to justify the abuse, murder and subjugation of a disadvantaged population just because of his/her size, level of development, environment or degree of dependency.

If by law, a mother has a right to bodily autonomy, then why wouldn’t her child be entitled to the same right to bodily integrity given the baby’s humanity? If a mother carries her baby to term, she gives up one thing: bodily autonomy. However, if the mother chooses an abortion, her child loses both bodily autonomy and life.

Ill-fated laws establish a weak societal foundation resulting in poor public policies, unintended consequences and the erosion of traditional values and morals. If abortion is now considered health care, is not the baby in the womb entitled to the same consideration for her health care?

Mother Teresa put it very succinctly, “It is really a war against the child: a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother, herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?”

Think about it! If this is so, deviancy has hit another all-time low in our country.

Jackson Betscher


Betscher is president of Hancock County Right to Life.


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