Letter: Republican authoritarians are hurting this country

Where are the Republicans who used to cry out about the danger of Communism and Russia? So far we have seen only a few who have spoken out against this Fascist movement in our country. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger gave up their seats to stand for justice and the rule of law. Mitt Romney, who is leaving at the end of his term, also seems to be fed up with the nonsense going on in his Republican Party.

I fear for the future for my granddaughters and what they will have to endure as this country loses our democracy to authoritarian dictators like Trump and his supporters. For me, I will be long gone, but it is our generation who will be leaving this mess to our children.

The biggest priority of the GOP seems to be to “get Hunter Biden.” Hunter never served in public office, he struggled with addiction but came out on the other side, which should be commended. But they are hell-bent on getting him, hoping it will hurt his father and force him to leave office.

No, I have to take that back, their biggest priority is to take women’s rights away, cause them irreparable harm because of their stand on abortion. The poor woman in Texas tried all of her options to get that needed treatment and finally had to leave the state for her health care.

We are a country of fools who believe whatever media and crooked politicians shout out and repeat over and over. Goebels, Hitler’s propaganda minister, stated this often during the war, and it holds true today.

Sherri Eley



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