Letter: America to blame for Trump’s success

An estimated 3.3 million viewers watched another piece of a dramatic structure involving Donald Trump’s arraignment in a Miami federal courthouse. Will there ever be an epilogue?

I have a theory that might seem controversial to some but, in my opinion, America must shoulder some of the blame for Trump’s predicament. Think about it.

During an interview with New York Times’ Maggie Haberman for her forthcoming book, “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America,” she summarizes Trump’s comments about his quest for the presidency. He theorized his pursuit as a means to a personal end: to make himself more famous, more marketable and a bigger deal. He never changed from this posture, but America changed to pursue a hero who would drain the swamp.

One theory stems from Peter Watson’s psychological theory of confirmation bias, or MySide Bias, which describes the tendency of people to favor information that confirms or strengthens their beliefs or values and, as a consequence, becomes difficult to dislodge once affirmed.

Danny Kahneman’s framework of “Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow” states that when confronted with something new, we first make a quick comparison to our existing views to form an initial assessment. Another theory might be Falsification Bias, which means to look for evidence disproving your point of view rather than confirming. Maybe lastly is radical acceptance, which defines one’s desire to accept situations that are outside of one’s control without judging them.

Trump gave American voters numerous warning signs to make a value decision. Instead, America looked the other way. So let’s man-up, close this chapter, and allow Trump to find his stage elsewhere.

Bob Proby

Shawnee Township


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