Letter: Betters idea needed on paying for roads

The government now offers a $7,500 tax credit to buy a fully electric car. Talk about cutting your own throat!

The highway trust fund is already depleted. Over half of the bridges in the country are over 50 years old. Our infrastructure is in sad shape. We lose billions in productivity yearly because of traffic alone.

How does the government raise funds? Fuel taxes! How much does a person who owns an all-electric car pay in fuel taxes to fund our roads and bridges? I’m guessing it’s zero!

They say within 10 years over half of the cars will be electric. They have to make a decision that is fair to all because people who own gas-powered cars will be carrying all the burden.

They need to turn the whole country into a pay-by-mile system. You pay for what you use. Eliminate all fuel taxes, and charge by the mile so everyone pays, regardless of what type of vehicle they drive.

The East Coast is like one big toll road. That’s how they fund their infrastructure. So you pay twice there! Gas taxes and tolls. They need to address this.

Jeffrey Perine



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