Letter: Time to stand up against ’gender-affirming’ ideas

When gay marriage was approved by the Supreme Court, I accepted that decision with the understanding that consenting adults could make a decision that did not affect me or my life or family, and that I should mind my own business.

I do not feel the same way about allowing an underage child to decide that he or she identifies as a man or a woman of the opposite of his or her biological sex from birth.

We do not allow minors to purchase alcohol until they are 21 years old. Why do we then allow minors to decide that they are a gender other than the one as born?

Currently activists are encouraging parents to chemically sterilize and surgically mutilate their children for so-called gender-affirming medical treatment. Would not it be better to provide psychological treatment at least until the child is mature enough to make a decision of its own?

There is no justification for allowing biological males access to our schools’ female dressing rooms, restrooms or allowing them to play on female sports teams. There have already been instances of rape and assaults (many of which have been covered up by school boards) committed by young males who identified as female who had access to formerly female-only areas.

If it takes the failure of tax levies to get the attention of our local school boards, then so be it. Money talks, and we all know what walks.

Kenneth E. Harris



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